Thursday 28 January 2016

jade green


Judith finally gets to the house and she noticed something odd about the drivers actions as soon they got to the house.I knew it Judith just know the driver quickly wanted to leave as he left the picture frame ,why beacuse he something he was affraid of.I really hope by the next time i read this Judith sees what the driver saw or felt.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

jade green

No Green in this household!

Okay Judith is getting close to the house and she remembered that she was not soused to bring anything green for some reason unknown reason,but she folled the rule and left everything green except for a picture with a green frame of her mother. Okay i don't know but I'm pretty sure if I'm told to leave everything of certain colour so i just a place to live in i leave the picture frame and just take picture like girl you don't what can happen.Any ways i hope that the next chapter comes explainig who is Jade Green?

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Jade green

40 years old?!

Judith finds out via the driver,that her uncles house need some "cheering up " and that her cousin could almost be her dad being around 40 years or so.I like use of old language that the writer used getting the reader more of feel of the olden days making the setting just right for a good horror/mystery story.I still feel that i need more of a greater back story of her family especially of her father, uncle and cousin. 

Monday 25 January 2016

new book Jade green by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

   So far so good

okay i like  that its based in the olden days where there are  no phones or Internet but instead there carriage and  light by  candles it gives a better setting for a horror story.I like how Judith is the adventures type,beacuse  it lets me relate to her a bit.I hope next time its has more  character development and more about the setting.